IMDB Rating
Voting: 7.4 /10 (71)
Trailer: YouTube

Die Oktonauten auf dem Festland



Jessica Rookeward, Antonio Aakeel, Chipo Chung
Die Oktonauten erkunden jenseits der Ozeane nun auch das Festland. Mit neuen fahrbaren Untersätzen und neuen Freunden beschützen sie gefährdete Lebensräume und Tiere.

Responding to a range of new dangers across our ever-changing planet, the Octonauts take their adventures beyond the sea and onto LAND! Enlisting their intrepid friends from around the globe as specialized Octo-Agents, and equipped with a new fleet of land-based Terra Gups, the Octonauts' mission is as vital as ever: They will EXPLORE harsh and remote environments, RESCUE animals that need their help, and PROTECT the land and all living creatures!
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    Die Oktonauten auf dem Festland (2021)
    Serien Übersicht - Bitte wähle eine Staffel und Episode

    Mirror 1 | 02.05.2022 - Die.Oktonauten.auf.dem.Festland.S02E01.German.DL.720p.WEB.x264-WvF

    Summary & Details

    Die Oktonauten erkunden jenseits der Ozeane nun auch das Festland. Mit neuen fahrbaren Untersätzen und neuen Freunden beschützen sie gefährdete Lebensräume und Tiere.

    Responding to a range of new dangers across our ever-changing planet, the Octonauts take their adventures beyond the sea and onto LAND! Enlisting their intrepid friends from around the globe as specialized Octo-Agents, and equipped with a new fleet of land-based Terra Gups, the Octonauts' mission is as vital as ever: They will EXPLORE harsh and remote environments, RESCUE animals that need their help, and PROTECT the land and all living creatures!

    Also Known As:

    Octonauts: Above & Beyond


    ~25 Min.

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