IMDB Rating
Voting: 4.7 /10 (161)
Trailer: YouTube

Strawberry Shortcake



Sarah Heinke, Rachel Ware, Anna Jordan, Samantha Triba, James Street, DeJare Barfield, Nils Haaland
"Strawberry Shortcake" is an American animated series produced by DIC Entertainment. As of July 2009, there are 44 episodes (including 4 two-part episodes), plus one short and one movie. None of the original voice actors returned to reprise their roles; instead, fresh talents were recruited to fill in the roles. Also, while the sun can be seen with a face various times through the series, it does not narrate the story or interact with the characters like the original Mr. Sun. The series aired in syndication from 11 March 2003 until 2006 and in 2007 CBS TV began airing new episodes until 26 February 2012.
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    Strawberry Shortcake (2003)
    Serien Übersicht - Bitte wähle eine Staffel und Episode

    Mirror 1 | 20.04.2018 - Emily.Erdbeer.Neues.aus.Bitzibeerchenhause.S01E01.Fisch.oder.Frosch.German.FS.DVDRiP.XviD-HaNc0cK

    Summary & Details

    "Strawberry Shortcake" is an American animated series produced by DIC Entertainment. As of July 2009, there are 44 episodes (including 4 two-part episodes), plus one short and one movie. None of the original voice actors returned to reprise their roles; instead, fresh talents were recruited to fill in the roles. Also, while the sun can be seen with a face various times through the series, it does not narrate the story or interact with the characters like the original Mr. Sun. The series aired in syndication from 11 March 2003 until 2006 and in 2007 CBS TV began airing new episodes until 26 February 2012.


    ~45 Min.

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