15 Minutes of War
Fred GrivoisSchauspieler:
Alban Lenoir, Olga Kurylenko, Sébastien Lalanne, Vincent Perez, Josiane Balasko, Kevin Layne, David Murgia, Michaël Abiteboul, Guillaume Labbé, Ben Cura, Andre Pierre, Salomé Guerreau, Yanisse Lrhorfi, Macéo Timmerman-Gabet, Nabil Azoufi, Adbeladim MazouziIm Februar 1976 entführen Terroristen einen Schulbus in der französischen Kolonie Dschibuti. Auf der wilden Flucht ins benachbarte Somalia wird der Bus beschädigt und bleibt im Niemandsland kurz vor der Grenze liegen. Polizei und Armee umstellen den Grenzübergang, doch die Kidnapper drohen mit der Hinrichtung der Kinder. Paris schickt eine Spezialeinheit unter dem Kommando des besonnenen Scharfschützen Gerval. Seine Aufgabe: Die Entführer ausschalten, ohne dass auch nur eine der zwanzig Geiseln zu Schaden kommt. Als allerdings auf der anderen Seite der Grenze somalische Truppen und KGB-Offiziere aufmarschieren, eskaliert die Situation zu einer internationalen Krise. Gerval muss damit rechnen, dass ein einziger Schuss einen Krieg auslösen wird.
February 1976. Somalian rebels hijack a school bus carrying 21 French children and their teacher in Djibouti City. When the terrorists drive it to a no-man’s-land on the border between Somalia and French territory, the French Government sends out a newly formed elite squad to rescue the hostages. Within a few hours, the highly trained team arrives to the crisis area, where the Somalian National Army has taken position behind the barbed wire on the border. The French unit is left with very few options to rescue the hostages. As the volatile situation unravels, the French men quickly come up with a daring plan: carry out a simultaneous 5 men sniper attack to get the children and the teacher out safely. A true story.
February 1976. Somalian rebels hijack a school bus carrying 21 French children and their teacher in Djibouti City. When the terrorists drive it to a no-man’s-land on the border between Somalia and French territory, the French Government sends out a newly formed elite squad to rescue the hostages. Within a few hours, the highly trained team arrives to the crisis area, where the Somalian National Army has taken position behind the barbed wire on the border. The French unit is left with very few options to rescue the hostages. As the volatile situation unravels, the French men quickly come up with a daring plan: carry out a simultaneous 5 men sniper attack to get the children and the teacher out safely. A true story.