398 Tage - Gefangener des IS
Niels Arden Oplev, Anders W. BerthelsenSchauspieler:
Esben Smed, Toby Kebbell, Amir El-Masry, Sara Hjort Ditlevsen, Charlie Carrick, Anders W. Berthelsen, Fady Elsayed, Rafael Pettersson, Ardalan Esmaili, Elizabeth Moynihan, Rasmus Bjerg, Youssef Berouain, Jens Jørn Spottag, Henrik Birch, Sofia Asir, Sofie Torp398 Tage lang wird der dänische Fotograf Daniel Rye (Esben Smed) von der Terrororganisation „Islamischer Staat“ in Syrien gefangen gehalten. Zusammen mit anderen ausländischen Geiseln, darunter der amerikanische Journalist James Foley (Toby Kebell), kämpft Daniel ums Überleben in der grausamen Gefangenschaft. Zuhause in Dänemark lebt seine Familie indes in ständiger Angst, Daniel nie wieder zu sehen. Doch da die dänische Regierung nicht mit Terroristen verhandelt, versuchen sie nun auf eigene Faust, das Lösegeld aufzutreiben und Daniel aus den Fängen des IS zu befreien.
HELD FOR RANSOM tells the true story of Danish photojournalist Daniel Rye who was held hostage for 398 days in Syria by the terror organization ISIS along with several other foreign nationals including the American journalist, James Foley. The film follows Daniel’s struggle to survive in captivity, his friendship with James, and the nightmare of the Rye family back home in Denmark as they try to do everything in their power to save their son. At the center of this crisis, we find hostage negotiator, Arthur, who plays a pivotal role in securing Daniel’s release.
HELD FOR RANSOM tells the true story of Danish photojournalist Daniel Rye who was held hostage for 398 days in Syria by the terror organization ISIS along with several other foreign nationals including the American journalist, James Foley. The film follows Daniel’s struggle to survive in captivity, his friendship with James, and the nightmare of the Rye family back home in Denmark as they try to do everything in their power to save their son. At the center of this crisis, we find hostage negotiator, Arthur, who plays a pivotal role in securing Daniel’s release.