Alice - Im Wunderland der bösen Träume
Claude ChabrolSchauspieler:
Sylvia Kristel, Charles Vanel, Jean Carmet, Fernand Ledoux, François Perrot, Bernard Rousselet, Thomas Chabrol, André Dussollier, Jean Cherlian, Catherine Drusy, Jean Le Boulbar, Cécile Maistre-Chabrol, Louise Rioton, Katia Romanoff, Noël SimsoloEines Abends verläßt die junge Alice Hals über Kopf ihren Gatten. Sie fährt in der Nacht mit ihrem Auto, bis bei einem Regensturm ihre Windschutzscheibe zerbricht. Sie findet in einem Schloß unterschlupf. Doch sie ist scheinbar nicht nur in einem Schloß gelandet, sondern in einer anderen Welt. Verschiedene rätselhafte, alptraumhafte Vorfälle versetzen Alice in Panik...
One night Alice can't stand her husband anymore and she decides to leave him. It's a dark, rainy night and something smashes the windshield so Alice is forced to seek shelter in an old mansion. She is warmly welcomed but soon realises that strange things are happening. She tries to escape but it seems there's no way out.
One night Alice can't stand her husband anymore and she decides to leave him. It's a dark, rainy night and something smashes the windshield so Alice is forced to seek shelter in an old mansion. She is warmly welcomed but soon realises that strange things are happening. She tries to escape but it seems there's no way out.