An ihrer Stelle - Fill the Void
Rama BurshteinSchauspieler:
Hadas Yaron, Renana Raz, Yiftach Klein, Irit Sheleg, Razia IsraeliDie 18jährige Shira aus einer orthodoxen chassidischen Gemeinde in Tel Aviv soll bald heiraten. Ein bestimmter Kandidat wurde auch bereits für sie ausgesucht. Als ihre geliebte Schwester bei der Geburt ihres Kindes stirbt, ist sie schwer getroffen. Sie kümmert sich um das Neugeborene, das auch ihre Mutter ins Herz schließt. Die würde Shira am liebsten mit dem Witwer verheiraten, um die Familie beisammen zu halten. Shira steht vor der schweren Entscheidung, ihrem Herzen oder den Wünschen ihrer Familie zu folgen.
Regisseurin Rama Burshstein, selbst orthodox-chassidische Jüdin, gewährt in stimmungsvollen, warmen Bildern einen Einblick in die vielen Menschen unbekannte Welt einer chassidischen Glaubensgemeinschaft. Das ruhige, kluge und auch humorvolle Drama zeigt die Traditionen und Regeln dieser Religionsgruppe auf - ohne sie zu erklären oder zu werten. Ein in sich geschlossener Mikrokosmos, in dem alle Mitglieder die Balance zwischen dem Gemeinschaftswohl und ihrem persönlichen Glück suchen. In Venedig wurde Hauptdarstellerin Hadas Yaron mit der Coppa Volpi prämiert.
Eighteen-year-old Shira is the youngest daughter of the Mendelman family. She is about to be married off to a promising young man of the same age and background. It is a dream come true, and Shira feels prepared and excited. On Purim, her twenty-eight-year-old sister, Esther, dies while giving birth to her first child, Mordechay. The pain and grief that overwhelm the family postpone Shira's promised match. Everything changes when a match is proposed to Yochay-Esther's late husband-to a widow from Belgium. Yochay feels it's too early, although he realizes that sooner or later he must seriously consider getting married again. When the girls' mother finds out that Yochay may marry the widow and move to Belgium with her only grandchild, she proposes a match between Shira and the widower. Shira will have to choose between her heart's wish and her family duty. She will find out that the void which she must choose exists only within her heart.
Eighteen-year-old Shira is the youngest daughter of the Mendelman family. She is about to be married off to a promising young man of the same age and background. It is a dream come true, and Shira feels prepared and excited. On Purim, her twenty-eight-year-old sister, Esther, dies while giving birth to her first child, Mordechay. The pain and grief that overwhelm the family postpone Shira's promised match. Everything changes when a match is proposed to Yochay-Esther's late husband-to a widow from Belgium. Yochay feels it's too early, although he realizes that sooner or later he must seriously consider getting married again. When the girls' mother finds out that Yochay may marry the widow and move to Belgium with her only grandchild, she proposes a match between Shira and the widower. Shira will have to choose between her heart's wish and her family duty. She will find out that the void which she must choose exists only within her heart.