Angels Fallen
Ali ZamaniSchauspieler:
Nicola Posener, Michael Teh, Michael Madsen, William Legue, Caroline Amiguet, Eric Roberts, Tommy Nash, Houston Rhines, Li Jing, Lee Kholafai, Ivica Dimitrijevic, Kamka Tocinovski, Scott Anthony Gould, Ivy Natalia, Filareta Atanasova, Lucas BablinNach dem tragischen Verlust seiner Frau im Kampf gegen die Mächte der Finsternis wird Gabriel dazu überredet, sich wieder seinem ehemaligen Team von Dämonenjägern anzuschließen, das aus der relativen Dunkelheit Amerikas in die tiefen unbekannten Regionen Europas reist. Er wird von seinem entfremdeten besten Freund Michael begleitet, der ein dunkles Geheimnis birgt, der mystischen Hannah, deren Visionen die Zukunft vorhersagen, und einer bunt gemischten Crew von Dämonenjägern. Nachdem er einen Teil seines Teams verloren hat, muss sich Gabriel seiner tragischen Vergangenheit stellen und entscheiden, wer wirklich Freund oder Feind ist.
After the tragic loss of his wife battling the forces of darkness, Gabriel is persuaded to rejoin his former team of demon hunters traveling from relatively obscurity in America to the deep unknown regions of Europe. He is joined by his estranged best friend Michael who harbors a dark secret, the mystical Hannah whose visions predict the future, and a motley crew of demon slayers. After losing part of his team Gabriel must confront his tragic past and decide who really is friend or foe.
After the tragic loss of his wife battling the forces of darkness, Gabriel is persuaded to rejoin his former team of demon hunters traveling from relatively obscurity in America to the deep unknown regions of Europe. He is joined by his estranged best friend Michael who harbors a dark secret, the mystical Hannah whose visions predict the future, and a motley crew of demon slayers. After losing part of his team Gabriel must confront his tragic past and decide who really is friend or foe.