Aprés Vous... Bitte nach Ihnen
Pierre SalvadoriSchauspieler:
Daniel Auteuil, Sandrine Kiberlain, Marilyne Canto, Michèle Moretti, José Garcia“Bitte, nach ihnen” lautet das Motto von Kellner Antoine, der lieber die Beziehung zu seiner Christine riskiert, als einen Gast ohne Weißbrot dasitzen zu lassen. Als er den unglücklich in Blanche verliebten Louis vom Strick schneidet, fühlt er sich sofort verpflichtet, den tölpelhaften Loser wieder mit dessen Angebeteter zu verkuppeln. Sehr zur Beunruhigung von Christine gewährt er ihm Asyl, verschafft ihm einen Job in seinem Restaurant, spielt den Heiratsvermittler – und verliebt sich selbst in Blanche.
Gut beobachtete Buddy- und Romantikkomödie aus Gallien.
Antoine is a maitre d' in a Paris brasserie, Chez Jean, and is so full of being of service to others that he can't say 'no'. Late for dinner with his girlfriend, Christine, he takes a shortcut home through the park but finds a stranger, Louis, in the act of committing suicide by hanging. Louis is distraught by the loss of his girlfriend, Blanche, and is so grateful that he attaches himself to Antoine. Antoine arranges a job for Louis - as a sommelier at Chez Jean and sets about trying to repair Louis' life...
Antoine is a maitre d' in a Paris brasserie, Chez Jean, and is so full of being of service to others that he can't say 'no'. Late for dinner with his girlfriend, Christine, he takes a shortcut home through the park but finds a stranger, Louis, in the act of committing suicide by hanging. Louis is distraught by the loss of his girlfriend, Blanche, and is so grateful that he attaches himself to Antoine. Antoine arranges a job for Louis - as a sommelier at Chez Jean and sets about trying to repair Louis' life...