Barbie: Bühne frei für große Träume
Scott Pleydell-PearceSchauspieler:
America Young, Amber Eliese May, Giselle Fernández, Alejandro Saab, Dinora Walcott, Joshua Tomar, Greg Chun, Lisa Fuson, Ritesh Rajan, Cassandra Lee Morris, Kirsten Day, Cassidy Naber, Cristina Milizia, Desirae Whitfield, Emma Adele Galvin, Daniel MK CohenIn diesem neuen Musical-Special kehrt Barbie Roberts den vertrauten Stränden von Malibu den Rücken und stürzt sich in ein neues aufregendes Leben in New York! Um ihren Traum vom Rampenlicht zu erfüllen, schreibt sie sich dort für das prestigeträchtige Sommer-Programm der Handler School of Arts ein. Gleich bei ihrer Ankunft trifft sie auf eine Mitstudentin namens – Barbie! Doch die beiden Mädchen haben mehr als nur ihren Namen gemeinsam
Barbie swaps the sunny shores of Malibu for the bright lights of Broadway to attend an excusive summer performing arts program and meets…Barbie! Fast friends, the two discover they share more than a name as they explore New York City and all the amazing things they have in common. As they compete for the coveted once-in-a-lifetime Spotlight Solo from Times Square, the friends discover competition isn’t all about winning, it’s about striving to be your best, overcoming doubts, and sharing the spotlight.
Barbie swaps the sunny shores of Malibu for the bright lights of Broadway to attend an excusive summer performing arts program and meets…Barbie! Fast friends, the two discover they share more than a name as they explore New York City and all the amazing things they have in common. As they compete for the coveted once-in-a-lifetime Spotlight Solo from Times Square, the friends discover competition isn’t all about winning, it’s about striving to be your best, overcoming doubts, and sharing the spotlight.