IMDB Rating
Voting: 5.7 /10 (150)
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Paul Morrissey


Wolfgang Reichmann, Dietmar Prinz, Jane Birkin, Nathalie Baye, Mathieu Carrière, Ulrich Berr, Erna Korhel, Pieter Daniel, Yelena Rostropovich
Der alte Beethoven hängt mit besitzergreifender Liebe an seinem Neffen Karl. Erst als Karl einen Selbstmordversuch begeht, erkennt Beethoven, daß er ihn längst verloren hat. Historisches Drama, das dem Bild des heeren Musikgenies despotische Züge verleiht.

The plot centers around old Beethoven's fixation on the welfare of his nephew, for whom he fought a lengthy custody battle against his brother's former wife. Beethoven thought she was a bad influence on the boy. Sadly, the nephew isn't receptive to Beethoven's "overtures", and resents his boorish uncle's efforts on his behalf. The nephew is a complete nonentity, lacking in both interest and talent. He seems to wish only to be left alone.
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    Mirror 1 | 24.12.2023 - Beethoven.1985.German.Web.h264.iNTERNAL-DUNGHiLL

    Summary & Details

    Der alte Beethoven hängt mit besitzergreifender Liebe an seinem Neffen Karl. Erst als Karl einen Selbstmordversuch begeht, erkennt Beethoven, daß er ihn längst verloren hat. Historisches Drama, das dem Bild des heeren Musikgenies despotische Züge verleiht.

    The plot centers around old Beethoven's fixation on the welfare of his nephew, for whom he fought a lengthy custody battle against his brother's former wife. Beethoven thought she was a bad influence on the boy. Sadly, the nephew isn't receptive to Beethoven's "overtures", and resents his boorish uncle's efforts on his behalf. The nephew is a complete nonentity, lacking in both interest and talent. He seems to wish only to be left alone.

    Also Known As:

    Le Neveu de Beethoven


    ~103 Min.

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    Paul Morrissey, Mathieu Carrière


    IMDb-Seite, Filmstarts