Beim nächsten Kind wird alles anders
Uwe JansonSchauspieler:
Wolfgang Stumph, Suzanne von Borsody, Robert Höller, Claire Oelkers, Wilfried DziallasDie 45-Jährige Martha Brönner führt ein ruhiges Leben als Lehrerin, Ehefrau und Mutter von zwei fast erwachsenen Kindern. Wie eine kleine Bombe platzt da eine späte, völlig unerwartete Schwangerschaft in die scheinbare Familienidylle. Ihr anschwellender Bauch bringt das dahindümpelnde Familienglück in wilde Turbulenzen. Ehemann Richard hatte schon von Teilzeitarbeit und großen Reisen mit einem schicken Wohnmobil geträumt. Zu allem Überfluss mault Tochter Julia kräftig an Mamas Mutterfreuden herum, weil doch eigentlich sie mit Kinderkriegen an der Reihe sei. Sohn Anton nutzt die Gunst der Stunde für sein "Coming Out".
Leo is a dance instructor conqueror who wins the heart of all students. One day, his boss, dissatisfied with the attitude of the teacher decides to give a lesson to Leo and sends him away. After losing his job and be unable to pay its debts, his only chance is to teach at a school dance that only selects older women to teach. Desperate, Leo asks for help to a friend and makeup artist becomes "Leonore" to get the job. There, he meets Sandra, a sweet single mom who is secretly in love with Marco, an instructor hunky not notice its presence. By figuring out how Sandra is good dancer, Leo decides to be your partner in a competition, where he finally understands the true feelings he has for her.
Leo is a dance instructor conqueror who wins the heart of all students. One day, his boss, dissatisfied with the attitude of the teacher decides to give a lesson to Leo and sends him away. After losing his job and be unable to pay its debts, his only chance is to teach at a school dance that only selects older women to teach. Desperate, Leo asks for help to a friend and makeup artist becomes "Leonore" to get the job. There, he meets Sandra, a sweet single mom who is secretly in love with Marco, an instructor hunky not notice its presence. By figuring out how Sandra is good dancer, Leo decides to be your partner in a competition, where he finally understands the true feelings he has for her.