Berlin, Berlin - Der Film
Franziska Meyer PriceSchauspieler:
Felicitas Woll, Jan Sosniok, Matthias Klimsa, Kai Lentrodt, Janina Uhse, Farouk El-Khalili, Gitta Schweighöfer, AbdelkarimIn dieser Fortsetzung des Serienhits hat Lolle Sven hinter sich gelassen und ist drauf und dran, ihren besten Freund Hart zu ehelichen. Doch Sven durchkreuzt ihre Pläne.
Film-Fortsetzung der ARD-Kultserie „Berlin, Berlin“.
Lolle's love life in Berlin is as complicated as ever. After the story with Sven, her second cousin, was over, she got together with her best friend Hart and the two are about to get married. That is, if Sven doesn't ruin things.
Lolle's love life in Berlin is as complicated as ever. After the story with Sven, her second cousin, was over, she got together with her best friend Hart and the two are about to get married. That is, if Sven doesn't ruin things.