Wolfgang WeiglSchauspieler:
Mirkus Hahn, Barbara Romaner, Klaus StiglmeierMax liebt Eva immer noch und fängt sie nach der Disco ab. Um sie einfach nur heimzufahren, wie er vorgibt, doch in Wahrheit, um mit ihr zu reden und die Beziehung vielleicht doch noch zu retten. Dabei fährt er einen Umweg und kracht irgendwo im winterlichen Forst in die dunkle Böschung. Max will Hilfe holen und lässt Eva allein im Auto zurück. Doch seine Rückkehr verzögert sich, und Eva wird unruhig. Außerdem taucht eine merkwürdig wirkende Gestalt auf und versetzt beide erst in Hoffnung und dann in Panik.
In poetic images, "Blindlings" tells a tale of broken trust and the false prejudices that arise when love is lost. Max "kidnaps" his ex-girlfriend Eva, to take her to a romantic mountain cottage, where he hopes to finally talk things out. They never get there. After their car breaks down in a snowbound forest, Max leaves to find the cottage on foot. Unprepared for a trip into the wild, Eva stays in the car. He had vowed to get help, but Max loses his way in the forest. In the clutch of the blistering cold, the border between memory and reality begins to blur. When Boris, an old hermit appears on the scene, they are both unsure if he will bring salvation - or death.
In poetic images, "Blindlings" tells a tale of broken trust and the false prejudices that arise when love is lost. Max "kidnaps" his ex-girlfriend Eva, to take her to a romantic mountain cottage, where he hopes to finally talk things out. They never get there. After their car breaks down in a snowbound forest, Max leaves to find the cottage on foot. Unprepared for a trip into the wild, Eva stays in the car. He had vowed to get help, but Max loses his way in the forest. In the clutch of the blistering cold, the border between memory and reality begins to blur. When Boris, an old hermit appears on the scene, they are both unsure if he will bring salvation - or death.