Blutrache - Blood Hunt
Sam CurtainSchauspieler:
Dean Kirkright, Kahli Williams, Thomas Roach, Benjamin Denmeade, Eli HalliwellEin junges Paar gerät an vier Hinterwäldler, in deren Entwicklung offenbar etwas schiefgelaufen ist. Die haben Spaß daran ahnungslose Stadtmenschen zu entführen und sich irgendwo am Hintern der Welt an ihnen zu vergehen.
Klassische Torture- and-Revenge-Klassiker wie „I Spit on Your Grave“ standen Pate für diesen australischen Schocker.
Everything seems uneventful for Dean and Claire, as they head out into beautiful rural Australia for a weekend away. Their biggest problem is what to do about Claire being accepted into an interstate University. The couple come across Knuck and things start to spiral out of control. Heath and Jarred only stoke the fire and both Claire and Dean's greatest fears are made reality.
Everything seems uneventful for Dean and Claire, as they head out into beautiful rural Australia for a weekend away. Their biggest problem is what to do about Claire being accepted into an interstate University. The couple come across Knuck and things start to spiral out of control. Heath and Jarred only stoke the fire and both Claire and Dean's greatest fears are made reality.