Brief einer Unbekannten
Max OphülsSchauspieler:
Joan Fontaine, Louis Jourdan, Mady Christians, Marcel Journet, Art Smith, Carol Yorke, Howard Freeman, John Good, Leo B. Pessin, Erskine Sanford, Otto Waldis, Sonja BrydenDie schüchterne Lisa schwärmt für ihren gut aussehenden Nachbarn, den Konzertpianisten Stefan, der sie jedoch kaum beachtet. Nach Jahren begegnet sie ihm wieder und lässt sie sich auf eine kurze Affäre mit dem leichtlebigen Charmeur ein, die für sie alles bedeutet. Der umschwärmte Pianist dagegen sieht in ihr nur ein Abenteuer. Aus Stolz verschweigt Lisa ihre Schwangerschaft und heiratet einen älteren Mann. Trotzdem kann sie Stefan nicht vergessen. Als sie ihn nach Jahren der verzehrenden Sehnsucht wiedertrifft, kann sich Stefan nicht einmal mehr an sie erinnern. Lisa zieht tragische Konsequenzen.
In Vienna in 1900, Stefan Brand must face a duel the following morning. He has no intention of defending his honor however and plans to flee the city when he notices that he has received a letter from someone in his past. A struggling concert pianist at the time he met Lisa Berndle when she was just a teenager living next door. Brand has had many women in his life however and unaware that Lisa is genuinely in love with him, forgets all about her. They meet again but he only vaguely remembers ever having met her. Unknown to him she bears his child and eventually marries a man who knows of her past but loves her very much. When she runs into Brand many years later her love for him resurfaces and she is prepared to abandon her son son and husband for him. Tragedy follows.
In Vienna in 1900, Stefan Brand must face a duel the following morning. He has no intention of defending his honor however and plans to flee the city when he notices that he has received a letter from someone in his past. A struggling concert pianist at the time he met Lisa Berndle when she was just a teenager living next door. Brand has had many women in his life however and unaware that Lisa is genuinely in love with him, forgets all about her. They meet again but he only vaguely remembers ever having met her. Unknown to him she bears his child and eventually marries a man who knows of her past but loves her very much. When she runs into Brand many years later her love for him resurfaces and she is prepared to abandon her son son and husband for him. Tragedy follows.