Caged Women II - Gepeinigt und gequält
Alan RudolphSchauspieler:
Andrew Prine, Sheila Bromley, Jennifer Ashley, Laura Campbell, Manuela Thiess, Sherry Alberoni, Gyl Roland, Gil Lamb, Al Cormier, Chuck Niles, Sonja Dunson, Karen Fredrik, Lin Henson, Jolene Lontere, Jeane Manson, Leslie OliverIm Nirgendwo der trostlosen Wüste Nevadas betreibt André seine Farm. Doch insgeheim hält er in seinen Stallungen junge Mädchen gefangen. In seiner Freizeit quält André diese Frauen, welche ihm völlig ausgeliefert sind, denn er kann durch eine psychische Störung nicht normal mit ihnen umgehen. Doch die Wüste birgt noch andere grausame Geheimnisse...
Three showgirls on their way to Las Vegas have car trouble and are stuck all night out in the desert. The next morning cheerful Andre offers them help in fixing their car. However, Andre is really a maniac with a lot of family problems; his mother ran out on him when he was a child so now he keeps kidnapped women chained up in his barn and trains them to perform circus tricks. Andre's father is still around of course, but because the old homestead is next to a nuclear test site he has been transformed into a raving homicidal mutant that Andre keeps locked up in a shed.
Three showgirls on their way to Las Vegas have car trouble and are stuck all night out in the desert. The next morning cheerful Andre offers them help in fixing their car. However, Andre is really a maniac with a lot of family problems; his mother ran out on him when he was a child so now he keeps kidnapped women chained up in his barn and trains them to perform circus tricks. Andre's father is still around of course, but because the old homestead is next to a nuclear test site he has been transformed into a raving homicidal mutant that Andre keeps locked up in a shed.