Captain Clegg
Peter Graham ScottSchauspieler:
Oliver Reed, Peter Cushing, Yvonne Romain, Patrick AllenCaptain Collier landet 1972 mit seinen Truppen in einem verschlafenen Küstenort, um eine Schmugglerbande einzubuchten. Collier trifft auf eine verschworene Dorfgemeinschaft: Alle Bewohner haben Panik vor merkwürdigen Moorgespenstern auf Geisterpferden, die ihre Opfer in die Sümpfe treiben. Collier glaubt, dass die Schmuggler sich diese Geschichte ausdenken, um damit von ihrem Treiben abzulenken.
What secret lay behind the dreaded Marsh Phantoms, the ghostly riders whose silent approach in the darkness of the bleak, unwelcoming Romney Marshes causes men to die of fright? Are they a genuine manifestation or a cover for illegal smuggling activities. Perhaps Dr Blyss, the benign vicar of the quiet village of Dymchurch, knows the truth about the ruthless pirate and smuggler who lies buried in the village graveyard and can unravel the phenomenon of the curse of Captain Clegg.
What secret lay behind the dreaded Marsh Phantoms, the ghostly riders whose silent approach in the darkness of the bleak, unwelcoming Romney Marshes causes men to die of fright? Are they a genuine manifestation or a cover for illegal smuggling activities. Perhaps Dr Blyss, the benign vicar of the quiet village of Dymchurch, knows the truth about the ruthless pirate and smuggler who lies buried in the village graveyard and can unravel the phenomenon of the curse of Captain Clegg.