Carrsasco der Schänder
Martin RittSchauspieler:
William Shatner, Edward G. Robinson, Paul Newman, Albert Salmi, Howard Da Silva, Paul Fix, Claire Bloom, Laurence Harvey, Thomas ChalmersDer mexikanische Bandit Juan Carrasco spioniert ein frisch verheiratetes Paar aus, das durch das öde Land reist. Er stellt sie, raubt sie aus, vergewaltigt die Frau und tötet den Mann. Aus der Sicht der Beteiligten und Zeugen wird jeweils erzählt, was "wirklich" geschehen ist. Doch welche Version ist die Wahrheit?
Three disparate travelers, a disillusioned preacher, an unsuccessful prospector, and a larcenous, cynical con man, meet at a decrepit railroad station in the 1870s Southwest. The prospector and the preacher were witnesses at the singularly memorable rape and murder trial of the notorious Mexican outlaw Carasco. The bandit duped an aristocratic Southerner into believing he knew the location of a lost Aztec treasure. The greedy "gentleman" allows himself to be tied up while Carasco deflowers his wife. These events lead to the stabbing of the husband and are related by the three eyewitnesses to the atrocity: the infamous bandit, the newlywed wife, and the dead man through an Indian shaman. Whose version of the events is true? Possibly there was a fourth witness, but can his version be trusted?
Three disparate travelers, a disillusioned preacher, an unsuccessful prospector, and a larcenous, cynical con man, meet at a decrepit railroad station in the 1870s Southwest. The prospector and the preacher were witnesses at the singularly memorable rape and murder trial of the notorious Mexican outlaw Carasco. The bandit duped an aristocratic Southerner into believing he knew the location of a lost Aztec treasure. The greedy "gentleman" allows himself to be tied up while Carasco deflowers his wife. These events lead to the stabbing of the husband and are related by the three eyewitnesses to the atrocity: the infamous bandit, the newlywed wife, and the dead man through an Indian shaman. Whose version of the events is true? Possibly there was a fourth witness, but can his version be trusted?