Charleys Tante
Hans QuestSchauspieler:
Heinz Rühmann, Hertha Feiler, Claus Biederstaedt, Walter Giller, Ruth Stephan, Bum Krüger, Hans Olden, Ina Peters, Elisa Loti, Hans Leibelt, Paul Hörbiger, Helmuth Rudolph, Hilde von Stolz, Ewald Wenck, Wolfgang Condrus, Wulf RittscherHandelsattaché Dr. Otto Dernburg hat sich in die Millionärin Carlotta Ramirez verliebt, muss sich erst um seinen jüngeren Bruder Ralf kümmern, der mit Freund Charley in einer Dachwohnung lebt. Sie haben sich die Schwedinnen Ulla und Britta eingeladen, die nur in Begleitung einer Anstandsdame in die Wohnung dürfen. Otto gibt sich entsprechend als Charleys Tante aus, muss die Rolle einer Cousine übernehmen und wird von den Männern umflirtet. Da stellt sich heraus, dass Carlotta die Tante ist. Sie liebt ihren Otto dennoch.
Dr. Otto Dernburg (Heinz Rühmann) stiftet allerlei Verwirrung, als er bei seinem Bruder Rolf - um diesem aus der Patsche zu helfen - als südamerikanische Tante von Rolfs Freund Charley auftaucht.
The classic British stage farce Charley's Aunt is given a Teutonic flavor in this 1956 release. The story is updated and the character names changed, but the plot, about a young man forced by circumstances to dress up as a middle-aged woman, remains intact. Heinz Ruehmann stars as Dr. Otto Dernburg (originally "Lord Fancourt Babberly"), whose friends Charley and Ralf are expecting female visitors. The girls won't show up without a chaperone, so Otto is inveigled into disguising himself as "Charley's Aunt, from Brazil, where the nuts come from." The comedy of errors and misunderstandings is played to the hilt, with time out for an unexpected musical number. Charley's Tante was one of Germany's biggest film hits of the mid-1950s.
The classic British stage farce Charley's Aunt is given a Teutonic flavor in this 1956 release. The story is updated and the character names changed, but the plot, about a young man forced by circumstances to dress up as a middle-aged woman, remains intact. Heinz Ruehmann stars as Dr. Otto Dernburg (originally "Lord Fancourt Babberly"), whose friends Charley and Ralf are expecting female visitors. The girls won't show up without a chaperone, so Otto is inveigled into disguising himself as "Charley's Aunt, from Brazil, where the nuts come from." The comedy of errors and misunderstandings is played to the hilt, with time out for an unexpected musical number. Charley's Tante was one of Germany's biggest film hits of the mid-1950s.