Clerks - Die Ladenhüter
Kevin SmithSchauspieler:
Jason Mewes, Marilyn Ghigliotti, Brian O'Halloran, Jeff Anderson, Lisa Spoonauer, Kevin Smith, Scott Mosier, Scott Schiaffo, Al Berkowitz, Walter Flanagan, Ed Hapstak, Lee Bendick, David Klein, Pattijean Csik, Ken ClarkAls der 22jährige Dante die Frühschicht an der Kasse von Quick Stop Groceries übernehmen muß, ist sein Tag gelaufen. Anstatt ausschlafen zu können, muß er sich mit verärgerten Kunden herumschlagen. Obendrein erfährt er auch noch, daß seine Ex-Freundin, die er immer noch liebt, heiraten wird. Trost spendet da nur sein Kollege aus dem Videoladen, der seine Kundschaft vorzugsweise wie den letzten Dreck behandelt. Als sich die beiden Kumpels dann auch noch bei einer Trauerfeier einschleichen, geht der Ärger erst richtig los.
Der erst 25jährige Kevin Smith, der selbst vier Jahre lang in Quick-Stop-Läden gearbeitet hatte, verkaufte sogar seine Comicsammlung, um das lächerliche Budget von 27.000 Dollar für sein Regie-Debüt zusammenzubekommen.
Dante Hicks is not having a good day. He works as a clerk in a small convenience store and is told to come into work on his day off. Dante thinks life is a series of down endings and this day is proving to no different. He reads in the newspaper that his ex-girlfriend Caitlin is getting married. His present girlfriend reveals to have somewhat more experience with sex that he ever imagined. His principal concerns are the hockey game he has that afternoon and the wake for a friend who died. His buddy Randal Graves works as a clerk in the video store next and he hates his job just about as much as Dante hates his.
Dante Hicks is not having a good day. He works as a clerk in a small convenience store and is told to come into work on his day off. Dante thinks life is a series of down endings and this day is proving to no different. He reads in the newspaper that his ex-girlfriend Caitlin is getting married. His present girlfriend reveals to have somewhat more experience with sex that he ever imagined. His principal concerns are the hockey game he has that afternoon and the wake for a friend who died. His buddy Randal Graves works as a clerk in the video store next and he hates his job just about as much as Dante hates his.