Cooking with Love
Jem GarrardSchauspieler:
Ali Liebert, Brett Dalton, Janet Kidder, Kimberley Sustad, Aria Birch, Preston Vanderslice, Julius Fair, Gabrielle Rose, Lisa MacFadden, Matt Hamilton, Jake T. Roberts, Christian Michael Cooper, Islie Hirvonen, A.J. Abell, Casey Dubois, Andrew McIlroyDie fleißige und optimistische Fernsehproduzentin Kelly hat keine Zeit für die Liebe. Zusammen mit ihrer Mentorin Amanda taucht Kelly in eine weitere Staffel des Little Gourmet, einer Kinderkochshow, ein, in der der hitzköpfige Chefkoch Stephen in Kellys Leben als Last Minute-Ersatzmoderator fallen gelassen wird.
Optimistic and cheerful TV producer, Kelly, doesn’t have time for love. Bad boy celebrity chef, Stephen, doesn’t have time for anything besides cooking. Fun with a side of love ensues as Kelly and Stephen are paired on a children's cooking show.
Optimistic and cheerful TV producer, Kelly, doesn’t have time for love. Bad boy celebrity chef, Stephen, doesn’t have time for anything besides cooking. Fun with a side of love ensues as Kelly and Stephen are paired on a children's cooking show.