Creepy Campfire Stories
Pascal Dieckmeyer, Daniel Konze, Alex LotzSchauspieler:
Thomas Binder, Jonathan Schäble, Alex Lotz, Julia Schmausser, Diana Brumminger, Isabelle Aring, Marc Nadler, Alex Schäble, Melissa Bindczeck, Julia Hippe, Morris MirrorIn einer Halloween-Nacht erzählt sich eine Gruppe High-School-Kids am Lagerfeuer Gruselgeschichten.
It's Halloweens Eve. Eddie and Ben want to spend this special evening together with their girls around the campfire. But Nina and Melissa aren't very delighted about this idea. High above ...
It's Halloweens Eve. Eddie and Ben want to spend this special evening together with their girls around the campfire. But Nina and Melissa aren't very delighted about this idea. High above ...