Danger Man - Der unerbittliche Vollstrecker
Eddie NicartSchauspieler:
Nelson Datu Anderson, Jean Saburit, Marilou BendigoNelson Grant, Geheimagent des FBI, kommt nach Manila mit dem Auftrag, den Boss des mächtigen Rauschgift-Syndikats aufzuspüren und seine Organisation zu zerschlagen. Gleichzeitig will er den Tod seines besten Freundes rächen, der heimtückisch von dem Gangsterboss getötet worden ist. Nur auf sich allein gestellt kämpft er sich durch, unerbittlich geht er seinen Weg und zieht eine blutige Spur. – Dabei kann er sich auf niemanden verlassen, außer auf seine Waffe, eine Magnum Caliber 357, die er von seinem toten Freund erhielt. Wird er die ihm gestellte Aufgabe lösen; wird er den Mord an seinem Freund rächen können?
Nelson Grant, secret agent of the FBI, is traveling to Manila with the order to track down the boss of a powerful drug syndicate and to smash his organization. Simultaneously he wants to avenge his best friend’s death who was killed insidiously by the gangster boss. Totally on his own he fights his way through, and he goes mercilessly his own way, leaving a trail of blood behind him. – He is not able to depend on anyone, with the exception of his weapon, a magnum caliber 357, which he got from his dead friend. Will he be able to solve the task; will he be able to avenge the murder of his friend?
Nelson Grant, secret agent of the FBI, is traveling to Manila with the order to track down the boss of a powerful drug syndicate and to smash his organization. Simultaneously he wants to avenge his best friend’s death who was killed insidiously by the gangster boss. Totally on his own he fights his way through, and he goes mercilessly his own way, leaving a trail of blood behind him. – He is not able to depend on anyone, with the exception of his weapon, a magnum caliber 357, which he got from his dead friend. Will he be able to solve the task; will he be able to avenge the murder of his friend?