Dark Spirits
Huck KepplerSchauspieler:
Milena Minichová, Dan Brown, Jan Budar, Marko IgondaEva sieht in einem Traum, wie ihre Schwester Tereza getötet wird und versucht, sie zu warnen. Doch das genügt nicht – Tereza wird auf brutale wie mysteriöse Weise ermordet. Geplagt von Schuldgefühlen hat Eva seltsame Visionen von Tereza. Sie zieht mit ihrem Freund Jan nach Prag, aber die Visionen werden immer intensiver und schrecklicher, denn eine andere rätselhafte Macht bestimmt Evas Denken und Fühlen. Und dieser dunkle Geist ist verantwortlich für Terezas Tod, schlimmer noch: Jetzt ist er da, um Eva zu holen…
(Long Synopsis) "In this tense, heart-stopping supernatural-thriller, blonde beauty Eva foresees the brutal murder of her sister, Tereza – with whom she has recently argued – in a dream. Still angry, Tereza refuses to heed her warnings and shortly thereafter dies under gruesome and mysterious circumstances. In mourning and wracked by guilt, Eva moves to another city with her boyfriend. But the increasingly intense and disturbing visions continue to plague her … as well as inexplicable sightings of her dead sibling. In search of an explanation, she realizes that the evil behind her sister’s death is now pursing her!"
(Long Synopsis) "In this tense, heart-stopping supernatural-thriller, blonde beauty Eva foresees the brutal murder of her sister, Tereza – with whom she has recently argued – in a dream. Still angry, Tereza refuses to heed her warnings and shortly thereafter dies under gruesome and mysterious circumstances. In mourning and wracked by guilt, Eva moves to another city with her boyfriend. But the increasingly intense and disturbing visions continue to plague her … as well as inexplicable sightings of her dead sibling. In search of an explanation, she realizes that the evil behind her sister’s death is now pursing her!"