Das Geheimnis der Drachenperle
Mario AndreacchioSchauspieler:
Sam Neill, Louis Corbett, Li Lin Jin, Ji WangDie Kinder Josh und Ling begleiten ihre Eltern zu Ausgrabungsarbeiten nach China. In einem Tempel stoßen sie auf einen seltsamen Chinesen, der ihnen das Geheimnis der seit langem verschollenen Drachenperle anvertraut. Die beiden machen sich sofort auf die Suche und finden sich in einem gefährlichen Kampf um den alten Schatz wieder.
When teenagers JOSH (Louis Corbett) and LING (Li Lin Jin) join their respective parents, CHRIS (Sam Neill) and Dr LI (Wang Ji) on an archaeological dig in China they encounter something trapped beneath a temple beyond their wildest imagination. A real live Chinese dragon. Two thousand years earlier, to defend his kingdom, the dragon lent an emperor his all powerful pearl. Instead of being returned, the pearl was buried with the emperor beneath his palace, and helpless without its source of power the dragon has remained entombed ever since.
When teenagers JOSH (Louis Corbett) and LING (Li Lin Jin) join their respective parents, CHRIS (Sam Neill) and Dr LI (Wang Ji) on an archaeological dig in China they encounter something trapped beneath a temple beyond their wildest imagination. A real live Chinese dragon. Two thousand years earlier, to defend his kingdom, the dragon lent an emperor his all powerful pearl. Instead of being returned, the pearl was buried with the emperor beneath his palace, and helpless without its source of power the dragon has remained entombed ever since.