Das Geheimnis der eisernen Maske
Ken AnnakinSchauspieler:
Beau Bridges, Sylvia Kristel, Ursula Andress, Olivia de Havilland, Ian McShane, Cornel Wilde, Rex Harrison, José Ferrer, Lloyd Bridges, Alan Hale Jr., Helmut Dantine, Román Ariznavarreta, Bernard Bresslaw, Stephan Bastian, Victor CouzynAm Hof des Sonnenkönigs spinnt man Intrigen: Der machthungrige Marquis de Fouquet trachtet Philippe, dem Zwillingsbruder des schwächlichen Thronanwärters Louis XIV., nach dem Leben. Ein Anschlag kann vereitelt werden. Doch Philippe wird inhaftiert und in die Bastille gesperrt. Die kampferprobten Musketiere unter der Leitung D’Artagnans brechen auf, um den Gefangenen zu befreien.
King Louis XIV has without his knowledge a twin brother, Philippe, but when he is told, he immediately locks up his brother in the Bastille. The king wants to increase his popularity and stages an assassination against himself where Philippe is dressed as king Louis. But Philippe manages to escape the assassination and everybody believes him to be the real king...
King Louis XIV has without his knowledge a twin brother, Philippe, but when he is told, he immediately locks up his brother in the Bastille. The king wants to increase his popularity and stages an assassination against himself where Philippe is dressed as king Louis. But Philippe manages to escape the assassination and everybody believes him to be the real king...