Das Glücksprinzip
Mimi LederSchauspieler:
Kevin Spacey, Helen Hunt, Haley Joel Osment, Jay Mohr, Jim Caviezel, Jon Bon Jovi, Angie Dickinson, David Ramsey, Gary Werntz, Colleen Flynn, Marc Donato, Kathleen Wilhoite, Liza Snyder, Jeannetta Arnette, Hannah Leder, Rusty MeyersEugene Simonet ist Lehrer und will einen seiner Schüler dazu ansporen die Welt zu verbessern. Dieser entwickelt das "Pay it forward-Prinzip": tue einem Menschen etwas Gutes und dieser wird es an drei weitere Menschen weitergeben.
Like some other kids, 12-year-old Trevor McKinney believed in the goodness of human nature. Like many other kids, he was determined to change the world for the better. Unlike most other kids, he succeeded.
Like some other kids, 12-year-old Trevor McKinney believed in the goodness of human nature. Like many other kids, he was determined to change the world for the better. Unlike most other kids, he succeeded.