Das Magische Buch von Arkandias
Alexandre Castagnetti, Julien SimonetSchauspieler:
Christian Clavier, Isabelle Nanty, Anémone, Armelle, Ryan Brodie, Timothée Coetsier, Pauline Brisy, Renaud RuttenDer kleine Theo träumt von einem Dasein als Superheld, doch in Wahrheit ist er nur der Sandsack der Rowdies an seiner Schule und Gegenstand des lokalen Gespötts, weil seine Mutter verdächtigt wird, in ihrer Eigenschaft als Putzfrau einem reichen Kunden einen veritablen Van Gogh entwendet zu haben. Theo würde das gerne richtig stellen und damit auch die bevorstehende Entmietung seiner Familie zu verhindern. Dazu bedürfte es schon eines Wunders. Eines Wunders, wie der seltsame Herr Arkandias es womöglich besorgen könnte.
Effektvoll inszeniertes Kinderfantasyabenteuer aus Frankreich mit allerhand komödiantischen Einlagen.
Theo, not the most popular boy at his school, dreams of escaping the dreary everyday life, experiencing adventure and accomplishing great heroic deeds. His dream seems to be fulfilled when, one day, he finds a very old and magical book in the library and fascinates him with a short hand. He forges the plan to forge a ring with his best friend Bonav and the rebellious Laura, who can make him invisible. The charm succeeds, but the three friends conjure up all sorts of dangers of magical, but also secular nature. Only the mysterious red wizard Arkandias can now help you out of trouble.
Theo, not the most popular boy at his school, dreams of escaping the dreary everyday life, experiencing adventure and accomplishing great heroic deeds. His dream seems to be fulfilled when, one day, he finds a very old and magical book in the library and fascinates him with a short hand. He forges the plan to forge a ring with his best friend Bonav and the rebellious Laura, who can make him invisible. The charm succeeds, but the three friends conjure up all sorts of dangers of magical, but also secular nature. Only the mysterious red wizard Arkandias can now help you out of trouble.