Das weiße Zauberpferd
Mike NewellSchauspieler:
Gabriel Byrne, Brendan Gleeson, Ellen Barkin, David Kelly, Jim Norton, Colm Meaney, Ciarán Fitzgerald, Rúaidhrí Conroy, Johnny Murphy, John Kavanagh, Anita Reeves, Ray McBride, Dave Duffy, Stuart Dannell-Foran, Becca HollinsheadSeit dem Tod seiner Frau ertränkt der irische Nomade Riley seinen Kummer im Alkohol. Leidtragende sind seine beiden jungen Söhne Tito und Ossie, die nun - allein auf sich gestellt - zurechtkommen müssen. Durch die innige Freundschaft zu einem Schimmel ändert sich ihr Leben schlagartig. Die Brüder entführen den Hengst und nehmen auf seinem Rücken Reißaus, verfolgt von der Polizei und einem sorgenvollen Vater, der endlich zur Besinnung zu kommen scheint.
Eingebettet in die wunderbar rauhe irische Landschaft erzählt Regisseur Mike Newell ("Verzauberter April") die einfache Geschichte von der Sehnsucht nach Geborgenheit und Wärme und unterlegt diese mit mythisch angehauchten Bildern und Anekdoten.
A gigantic white stallion appears mysteriously to a Traveller grandfather and his two grandsons in an Irish slum. Since, puzzlingly, the younger of the two boys is the only individual who can control the horse, ownership falls to him and his older brother by default. There being no place for the animal, they move him into the apartment of their alcoholic Traveller father. Police remove him and, in a shady deal, he ends up under control of a wealthy, underhanded horse breeder. The boys manage to retrieve him and escape on his back, but the stallion seems to have his own travelling agenda.
A gigantic white stallion appears mysteriously to a Traveller grandfather and his two grandsons in an Irish slum. Since, puzzlingly, the younger of the two boys is the only individual who can control the horse, ownership falls to him and his older brother by default. There being no place for the animal, they move him into the apartment of their alcoholic Traveller father. Police remove him and, in a shady deal, he ends up under control of a wealthy, underhanded horse breeder. The boys manage to retrieve him and escape on his back, but the stallion seems to have his own travelling agenda.