Dawning of the Dead - die Apocalypse beginnt
Nika Braun, Clara Loedel, Yannis Zafeiriou, Alexander Zwart, Tony JopiaSchauspieler:
Pixie le Knot, Leo Gregory, Honey Holmes, Sean Cronin, Sara DeeWährend ein Virus, das die Toten wiederbeleben lässt, die Welt in die Knie zwingt, vertraut der verantwortliche Wissenschaftler seine katastrophalen Ergebnisse Katya Nevin an, einer verunsicherten Ex-Kriegskorrespondentin, die bei W.W. News zur Ankerin wurde. Während sie und der Rest ihrer Crew den Zusammenbruch der Gesellschaft per Videoübertragung aus aller Welt miterleben, klettert ein tödlicher Spezialagent Stockwerk für Stock auf das Gebäude, sein einziges Ziel ist es, ihr Schweigen zu sichern.
While a virus that causes the dead to reanimate brings the world to its knees, the scientist responsible entrusts his cataclysmic findings to Katya Nevin, a troubled ex-war correspondent turned anchor-woman at W.W News. While she and the rest of her crew witness the collapse of society via video feeds from around the globe, a deadly special agent climbs the building floor by floor, his only goal to ensure her silence. Armed only with information and an indomitable will to live, Katya must overcome her crippling anxiety and learn to lead in order to make it out of the studio and into a terrifying new world where only the dead survive.
While a virus that causes the dead to reanimate brings the world to its knees, the scientist responsible entrusts his cataclysmic findings to Katya Nevin, a troubled ex-war correspondent turned anchor-woman at W.W News. While she and the rest of her crew witness the collapse of society via video feeds from around the globe, a deadly special agent climbs the building floor by floor, his only goal to ensure her silence. Armed only with information and an indomitable will to live, Katya must overcome her crippling anxiety and learn to lead in order to make it out of the studio and into a terrifying new world where only the dead survive.