Deadfall Trail
Rosalie Michaels, Shane Dean, Katrina Ryan, Richard AndersonDrei Wochen soll der Survival-Urlaub der drei Freunde John, Julian und Paul im Kaibab National Forest dauern. Mit großer Vorfreude starten sie bestens ausgerüstet ins Abenteuer, bei dem sie ihre eigenen Grenzen austesten wollen: Zunächst verläuft der Ausflug reibungslos, doch wird aus dem harmlosen Spaß alsbald ernst: Eine einfache Tierfalle erweist sich als tödliches Hindernis. Schnell stellen sie fest, dass ihr eigentlicher Feind aber gar nicht einmal die Widrigkeiten der Natur sind, sondern sie selbst.
John, Julian and Paul enter the Kaibab National Forest for a three-week survival trip and peyote vision quest. The only items they take with them are a knife, a bottle of water and a garbage bag each. A week into their journey a disastrous turn of events changes everything and the men are forced to ultimately confront the darkest corners of their morality and mortality. Battling the elements and each other, the quest becomes to make it out of the forest alive.
John, Julian and Paul enter the Kaibab National Forest for a three-week survival trip and peyote vision quest. The only items they take with them are a knife, a bottle of water and a garbage bag each. A week into their journey a disastrous turn of events changes everything and the men are forced to ultimately confront the darkest corners of their morality and mortality. Battling the elements and each other, the quest becomes to make it out of the forest alive.