IMDB Rating
Voting: 6.5 /10 (853)
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Dealer Connection - Die Straße des Heroins



Enzo G. Castellari


Fabio Testi, David Hemmings, Sherry Buchanan, Wolfango Soldati, Joshua Sinclair, Romano Puppo, Massimo Vanni, Leonardo Scavino, Salvatore Billa, Patrizia Webley, Angelo Ragusa, Sergio Ruggeri, Gianni Orlando, Giovanni Bonadonna, Guido Cerniglia, Antonella Della Porta
Im internationalen Drogenhandel ist Rom zu einer wichtigen Stadt aufgestiegen. Interpol-Agent Mike Hamilton soll die Drahtzieher fassen. Ihm zur Seite steht der Fabio, der ins Drogenmilieu eingeschleust wird und in der Hierarchie aufsteigt. Um vollwertiges Mitglied zu werden, muss er an einem Überfall auf die Asservatenkammer teilnehmen. Fabio wird jedoch enttarnt und von da an gejagt.

Drug use in the city of Rome is at an all-time high. Children score from dealers in front of their schools, mules waltz straight through airport security, and Interpol's main man, Mike Hamilton (David Hemmings), is at his wits' end. Fed up to the back teeth with the local police force's incompetence, his only hope is to rely on one of his own men, Fabio (Fabio Testi), an officer so deep undercover that no-one but Hamilton knows who he really is. Even as Fabio gains the trust of cartel leader Gianni (John Loffredo), however, the dealers are edging ever closer to the truth, and when his cover is blown, the hunter becomes the hunted as Fabio finds himself alone in a desperate fight to survive.
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    Übersicht - Wähle eine Sprache & Qualität

    Mirror 1 | 17.05.2023 - Dealer.Connection.Die.Strasse.des.Heroins.1977.German.720p.BluRay.x264-SAVASTANOS

    Summary & Details

    Im internationalen Drogenhandel ist Rom zu einer wichtigen Stadt aufgestiegen. Interpol-Agent Mike Hamilton soll die Drahtzieher fassen. Ihm zur Seite steht der Fabio, der ins Drogenmilieu eingeschleust wird und in der Hierarchie aufsteigt. Um vollwertiges Mitglied zu werden, muss er an einem Überfall auf die Asservatenkammer teilnehmen. Fabio wird jedoch enttarnt und von da an gejagt.

    Drug use in the city of Rome is at an all-time high. Children score from dealers in front of their schools, mules waltz straight through airport security, and Interpol's main man, Mike Hamilton (David Hemmings), is at his wits' end. Fed up to the back teeth with the local police force's incompetence, his only hope is to rely on one of his own men, Fabio (Fabio Testi), an officer so deep undercover that no-one but Hamilton knows who he really is. Even as Fabio gains the trust of cartel leader Gianni (John Loffredo), however, the dealers are edging ever closer to the truth, and when his cover is blown, the hunter becomes the hunted as Fabio finds himself alone in a desperate fight to survive.

    Also Known As:

    La via della droga


    ~110 Min.

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    Galliano Juso, Massimo De Rita, Enzo G. Castellari


    IMDb-Seite, Filmstarts