Dear Wendy
Thomas VinterbergSchauspieler:
Mark Webber, Michael Angarano, Jamie Bell, Bill Pullman, Thomas Bo Larsen, Alison Pill, William Hootkins, Chris Owen, Danso Gordon, Novella Nelson, Trevor Cooper, Matthew Géczy, Teddy KempnerEigentlich steht Teenager Dick (Jamie Bell aus "Billy Elliot") aus dem kleinen Bergarbeiterstädtchen Estherslope nicht besonders auf Schusswaffen, denn er und seine Außenseiterkumpane Stevie, Susan, Huey und Freddie fühlen sich eher pazifistischen Idealen verpflichtet. Als Dick aber eines Tages die Bekanntschaft mit Wendy, einer stilechten Knarre, macht, ist es Liebe auf den ersten Blick. Kurz darauf gründet man einen Gun Club namens "Dandies", veranstaltet Schießübungen im Wald und genießt ungezwungen das Gefühl der Macht über Leben und Tod ...
Antiamerikanische Reflexe und naive Weltsicht mussten sich Regisseur Thomas Vinterberg und Drehbuchautor Lars von Trier bei dieser Meditation zur immer aktuellen Frage, wo denn die ganze Gewalt in unserer orientierungslosen Wohlstandsgesellschaft herkommt, vorwerfen lassen.
DEAR WENDY is a story about the young loner Dick who lives in the poor mining town of Estherslope. When he happens upon a small handgun one day, he finds himself strangely drawn to it, despite his fervent pacifist views. Together with his newfound partner he soon convinces the other young outcasts in the town to join him in a secret club he calls The Dandies. A club based on the principals of pacifism and guns. Despite their firm belief in the most important Dandy rule of all - never draw your weapons - they soon find themselves in a predicament where they realise that rules are made to be broken.
DEAR WENDY is a story about the young loner Dick who lives in the poor mining town of Estherslope. When he happens upon a small handgun one day, he finds himself strangely drawn to it, despite his fervent pacifist views. Together with his newfound partner he soon convinces the other young outcasts in the town to join him in a secret club he calls The Dandies. A club based on the principals of pacifism and guns. Despite their firm belief in the most important Dandy rule of all - never draw your weapons - they soon find themselves in a predicament where they realise that rules are made to be broken.