Der Champ
Franco ZeffirelliSchauspieler:
Jon Voight, Faye Dunaway, Ricky Schroder, Jack Warden, Arthur Hill, Strother Martin, Joan Blondell, Elisha Cook Jr., Stefan Gierasch, Bill Baldwin, Wally Rose, Sam Levene, Mary Jo Catlett, Allan Miller, Joe Tornatore, Shirlee KongDer geschiedene ehemalige Boxweltmeister Billy ‘The Champ’ Flynn (Jon Voight) bringt sich und seinen achtjährigen Sohn (Ricky Schroder) als Arbeiter auf einer Pferderennbahn mühsam durchs Leben. Um das Vertrauen und die Bewunderung des Jungen zu rechtfertigen, nimmt er nochmals das Box-Training auf. Mit einem Comebackkampf will er seinem Sohn ein besseres Leben finanzieren.
The more you love, the harder you fight.The world looks at Billy Flynn and sees a has-been who seemingly never was, an ex-boxing champion slammed to the mat years ago by booze and gambling. But Billy's son TJ sees what the world doesn't. He knows his flawed but loving father is, was and always will be The Champ.
The more you love, the harder you fight.The world looks at Billy Flynn and sees a has-been who seemingly never was, an ex-boxing champion slammed to the mat years ago by booze and gambling. But Billy's son TJ sees what the world doesn't. He knows his flawed but loving father is, was and always will be The Champ.