Der Dieb von Paris
Louis MalleSchauspieler:
Jean-Paul Belmondo, Geneviève Bujold, Marie Dubois, Julien Guiomar, Paul Le Person, Christian Lude, Françoise Fabian, Marlène Jobert, Bernadette Lafont, Martine Sarcey, Roger Crouzet, Jacques Debary, Fernand Guiot, Marc Dudicourt, Monique Mélinand, Madeleine DamienParis, Ende des vorigen Jahrhunderts. Von seinem Onkel um sein Erbe und um die Hochzeit mit der geliebten Cousine Charlotte gebracht, räumt Georges Randal die Villen der reichen Leute aus. Er beherrscht sein Handwerk perfekt, schließlich ging er bei erstklassigen Spezialisten in die Lehre. Und auch bei den Damen macht der elegante Georges Furore, ohne seine entzückende Charlotte zu vergessen. Unvermutet trifft er sie wieder.
In Paris around 1900, Georges Randal is brought up by his wealthy uncle, who steals his inheritance. Georges hopes to marry his cousin Charlotte, but his uncle arranges for her to marry a rich neighbour. As an act of revenge, Georges steals the fiance's family jewels, and enjoys the experience so much that he embarks upon a life-time of burglary.
In Paris around 1900, Georges Randal is brought up by his wealthy uncle, who steals his inheritance. Georges hopes to marry his cousin Charlotte, but his uncle arranges for her to marry a rich neighbour. As an act of revenge, Georges steals the fiance's family jewels, and enjoys the experience so much that he embarks upon a life-time of burglary.