Der Dolmetscher
Martin SulíkSchauspieler:
Jirí Menzel, Peter Simonischek, Zuzana Mauréry, Attila Mokos, Anna Rakovska, Eva Kramerová, Karol Simon, Judita Hansman, Igor Hrabinský, Réka Derzsi, Anita SzvrcsekDer 80-jährige Ali Ungár (Jiri Menzel) stößt auf ein Buch eines einstigen SS-Offiziers, in dem dieser seine Aktivitäten in der Slowakei zur Zeit des Krieges beschreibt. Es stellt sich heraus, dass er Alis Eltern hinrichtete, woraufhin sich der Mann auf eine Rachemission begibt, auf der er allerdings den 70-jährigen Sohn Georg (Peter Simonischek), ein Lehrer im Ruhestand, antrifft...
80-year-old Ali Ungar comes across a book by a former SS officer describing his wartime activities in Slovakia. He realises his parents were executed by him. He sets out to take revenge but finds instead his 70-year-old son, Georg, a retired teacher. Georg, who had avoided his father all his life, decides to find out more about him and offers Ali to be his interpreter.
80-year-old Ali Ungar comes across a book by a former SS officer describing his wartime activities in Slovakia. He realises his parents were executed by him. He sets out to take revenge but finds instead his 70-year-old son, Georg, a retired teacher. Georg, who had avoided his father all his life, decides to find out more about him and offers Ali to be his interpreter.