Der Fall Barschel
Kilian RiedhofSchauspieler:
Alexander Fehling, Antje Traue, Fabian Hinrichs, Matthias MatschkeNach einem Flugzeugabsturz, den er schwerverletzt überlebt hat, verliert Uwe Barschel im schleswig-holsteinischen Wahlkampf überraschend an Boden. Kurz vor dem Urnengang gerät er zusätzlich unter Druck: Wie ein Nachrichtenmagazin berichtet, soll er seinen beliebten Konkurrenten Björn Engholm bespitzelt und gegen ihn mit Unterstützung des zwielichtigen Medienreferenten Pfeiffer eine Schmutzkampagne gestartet haben.
The Barschel case is one of the most important political scandals in recent German history. Not least because it has remained unsolved. Countless speculations and conspiracy theories have grown up to the present day to the dramatic death of the politician Barschel. Director and Grimme Award winner Kilian Riedhof tells the mysterious story new and combines documentary with fictional to a virtuoso and breathless political thriller from the perspective of journalists.
The Barschel case is one of the most important political scandals in recent German history. Not least because it has remained unsolved. Countless speculations and conspiracy theories have grown up to the present day to the dramatic death of the politician Barschel. Director and Grimme Award winner Kilian Riedhof tells the mysterious story new and combines documentary with fictional to a virtuoso and breathless political thriller from the perspective of journalists.