Der Geheime Roman des Monsieur Pick
Rémi BezançonSchauspieler:
Fabrice Luchini, Camille Cottin, Alice Isaaz, Bastien Bouillon, Philypa Phoenix, Louis DescolsDas von einer jungen Verlegerin in einer Bibliothek unveröffentlichter Skripte entdeckte Buch eines unbekannten Autors wird zum Bestseller. Kritiker Jean-Michel Rouche glaubt nicht, dass es wie behauptet von Henri Pick stammt, sondern vermutlich eher von einer Frau. Er reist zu Picks Witwe Josephine in die bretonische Provinz, um mehr herauszufinden. Josephine kann sich nicht vorstellen, dass Henri, ein Pizzabäcker, der vor zwei Jahren starb, ein Buch geschrieben haben soll. Sie begleitet Jean-Michel auf der Suche.
Gewitzte Komödie über einen Literaturkritiker, der davon überzeugt ist, dass ein Buchdebüt eines verstorbenen Autors in Wahrheit gefälscht ist.
In a bizarre Breton library that collects rejected, never published manuscripts, a young editor discovers a novel that she considers a masterpiece. It was written by a certain Henri Pick, a cook who died two years earlier and who, according to his widow, had never read a book in his life or written anything but a shopping list... Did he have a secret life? When the book becomes a huge best-seller, Jean- Michel Rouche, a skeptical and stubborn literary critic, teams up with Joséphine, Pick’s daughter, to unravel the mystery.
In a bizarre Breton library that collects rejected, never published manuscripts, a young editor discovers a novel that she considers a masterpiece. It was written by a certain Henri Pick, a cook who died two years earlier and who, according to his widow, had never read a book in his life or written anything but a shopping list... Did he have a secret life? When the book becomes a huge best-seller, Jean- Michel Rouche, a skeptical and stubborn literary critic, teams up with Joséphine, Pick’s daughter, to unravel the mystery.