Der Kongreß amüsiert sich
Géza von RadványiSchauspieler:
Gustav Knuth, Curd Jürgens, Helga Anders, Hannes Messemer, Wolfgang Kieling, Walter Slezak, Hannelore Bollmann, Brett Halsey, Lilli Palmer, Paul Meurisse, Anita Höfer, Bibi Jelinek, Kurt Meisel, Franz Muxeneder, Philippe MarchBei einem Besuch im Wiener Wachsfigurenkabinett werden Touristen in das Jahr 1815 zum Wiener Kongress zurückversetzt. Während Repräsentanten aus ganz Europa dort eigentlich über die Zukunft des Kontinents entscheiden sollen, sind sie in erster Linie mit Liebschaften und Amüsement beschäftigt. Mit bestem Beispiel geht dabei Zar Alexander voran, der seine Leidenschaft für das einfache Wiener Mädl Anni entdeckt.
Aufwändiger Kostümfilm, der versucht, sich ähnlich wie die beiden zuvor entstandenen Musikkomödien "Der Kongress tanzt" (1931, 1955) heiter-beschwingt den Liebschaften während des Wiener Kongresses zu widmen.
Vienna 1965. While visiting the Wax Museum a group of tourists stop in front of the figure of Prince Metternich. All of a sudden they find themselves brought back 150 years earlier during the Vienna Congress of 1814-1815. Before their eyes wide open, history is in the making. Gathered around the Tsar of Russia, Alexander I, the Kings of Bavaria, Würtemberg, Prussia and Denmark, are persuaded they are building the future Europe whereas they are being manipulated by foxy Chancellor Metternich, he himself under the thumb of cynical Count Talleyrand, the French representative. All those considerations come second though to partying and social life, which is all these aristocrats really want out of this congress...
Vienna 1965. While visiting the Wax Museum a group of tourists stop in front of the figure of Prince Metternich. All of a sudden they find themselves brought back 150 years earlier during the Vienna Congress of 1814-1815. Before their eyes wide open, history is in the making. Gathered around the Tsar of Russia, Alexander I, the Kings of Bavaria, Würtemberg, Prussia and Denmark, are persuaded they are building the future Europe whereas they are being manipulated by foxy Chancellor Metternich, he himself under the thumb of cynical Count Talleyrand, the French representative. All those considerations come second though to partying and social life, which is all these aristocrats really want out of this congress...