Der Lauf seines Lebens
Scotty CurleeSchauspieler:
Kirk Cameron, Karen Abercrombie, Bailey Anderson, Ashley Bratcher, Cameron Arnett, Chris Ashworth, Alex Bartz, Jack Champion, Leland Klassen, Shari Rigby, Taylor Lyons, Lindsley Register, Jamie Ridgeway, Genine Ware, Jeremy Chapman Webb, Alexander Vaughn MillerAls bekannter Läufer und beliebter College-Professor genießt David einen sehr guten Ruf als Sportheld. Trotz Warnung durch seinen Arzt nimmt er sich vor, an einem 4668 km langen Lauf quer durch die USA teilzunehmen. Ehefrau Nancy ist alles andere als begeistert und bittet ihn, bei ihr und den Kindern zu bleiben, um nicht erneut monatelang von der Familie getrennt zu sein. David entschließt sich jedoch dazu, den Lauf anzutreten. Auf seinem Weg wird er mit der Härte des Sportes und der emotionalen Belastung durch die Entfernung zur Familie konfrontiert. Ein plötzlicher körperlicher Zusammenbruch bringt alle seine bisherigen Überzeugungen durcheinander. Soll er den Marathonlauf beenden oder seine Ehe retten? Doch dann wird der Lauf seines Lebens ganz unerwartet noch einmal neu geordnet… Basierend auf einer wahren Geschichte inspiriert dieser Film dazu, im Leben auf das zu achten, was wirklich zählt: die Familie.
EXTRAORDINARY tells the amazing story of ultra-marathon runner and college professor David Horton, his wife, Nancy, and their attempt to finish their marriage race well. Although proud of his incredible athletic accomplishments and the impact he has on his students, David's family continuously pays a high price for his years of competitive running. Following his open-heart surgery and irreparable damage to his knees, Nancy is ready for Dave to hang up his racing shoes for good and focus his boundless energy on their family. Instead, feeling called by God to "inspire people one last time," Dave sets off for a 2,900-mile race across America
EXTRAORDINARY tells the amazing story of ultra-marathon runner and college professor David Horton, his wife, Nancy, and their attempt to finish their marriage race well. Although proud of his incredible athletic accomplishments and the impact he has on his students, David's family continuously pays a high price for his years of competitive running. Following his open-heart surgery and irreparable damage to his knees, Nancy is ready for Dave to hang up his racing shoes for good and focus his boundless energy on their family. Instead, feeling called by God to "inspire people one last time," Dave sets off for a 2,900-mile race across America