Der Mann aus Laramie
Anthony MannSchauspieler:
James Stewart, Arthur Kennedy, Donald Crisp, Cathy O'Donnell, Aline MacMahon, Jack Elam, Alex Nicol, Wallace Ford, John War Eagle, James Millican, Gregg Barton, Boyd Stockman, Frank DeKova, Jack Carry, Bill Catching, Frank CordellWill Lockhart sucht in New Mexico die Mörder seines Bruders, die zu einer Bande gehören, die den Indianern geschmuggelte Schnellfeuergewehre verkauft. Er gerät in den Zwist zwischen Rancher Alec Waggoman und Rancherin Kate Canaday, die ihn aus dem Gefängnis holt, als er wegen angeblichen Mordes sitzt und ihn zum Vorarbeiter macht. Wieder gerät Will mit Waggoman aneinander, als dessen Sohn ermordet wird. Mörder ist Vorarbeiter Vic Hansbro, dessen Wagenladung an die Apachen Will in die Luft jagt. Die Apachen töten Vic. Will geht nach Laramie.
James Stewart in Westernklassiker von Meister Anthony Mann.
Will Lockhart becomes entangled in the happenings of Coronado, an isolated western town, after delivering supplies there. He is especially involved with the Waggomans, an influential ranching family, and begins his search for someone selling rifles to the local Apaches, only to find out it is the son of the most powerful man in the area. It is at this point that his troubles begin.
Will Lockhart becomes entangled in the happenings of Coronado, an isolated western town, after delivering supplies there. He is especially involved with the Waggomans, an influential ranching family, and begins his search for someone selling rifles to the local Apaches, only to find out it is the son of the most powerful man in the area. It is at this point that his troubles begin.