Der Richter und der Mörder
Bertrand TavernierSchauspieler:
Philippe Noiret, Michel Galabru, Isabelle Huppert, Jean-Claude Brialy, Renée Faure, Cécile Vassort, Jean-Claude de Goros, Jean-Roger Caussimon, Gérard JugnotFrankreich, 1895: Der wegen Jähzorn aus der Armee entlassene Unteroffizier Bouvier wird nach gescheitertem Suizidversuch in eine Heilanstalt eingewiesen. Nach seiner Entlassung geschehen grausame Morde an jungen Männern und Frauen im ganzen Land. Provinzrichter Rousseau gelingt es, Bouvier als den Täter zu fassen. Sollte dieser als geisteskrank anerkannt werden, wird er der Verurteilung zum Tode entkommen können …
France, 1893. Joseph Bouvier attempts to shoot his love who refused to marry him and to commit suicide. Upon release from the filthy asylum where he was placed, with bullets still remaining in his head, he wanders the country roads and rapes and murders many teenagers over years. The judge Rousseau captures him, but to serve his ambition seeks to avoid that Bouvier is simply declared insane.
France, 1893. Joseph Bouvier attempts to shoot his love who refused to marry him and to commit suicide. Upon release from the filthy asylum where he was placed, with bullets still remaining in his head, he wanders the country roads and rapes and murders many teenagers over years. The judge Rousseau captures him, but to serve his ambition seeks to avoid that Bouvier is simply declared insane.