IMDB Rating
Voting: 7.2 /10 (484)
Trailer: YouTube

Der Schacht



Galder Gaztelu-Urrutia


Ivan Massagué, Zorion Eguileor, Emilio Buale, Antonia San Juan, Alexandra Masangkay, Algis Arlauskas, Eric Goode, Miriam Martín, Óscar Oliver
In einem Gefängnis, in dem die Insassen in den oberen Stockwerken das gute Essen und die in den unteren nur Reste bekommen, kämpft ein Mann für Wandel.

Two people per level. An unknown number of levels. A platform with food for all of them. Are you one of those who think too much when they are up? Or of those who have no guts when they are down? If you discover it too late, you will not live out of the hole.
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    Mirror 1 | 20.03.2020 - Der.Schacht.2019.German.DL.1080p.WEB.x264.iNTERNAL-muhHD

    Summary & Details

    In einem Gefängnis, in dem die Insassen in den oberen Stockwerken das gute Essen und die in den unteren nur Reste bekommen, kämpft ein Mann für Wandel.

    Two people per level. An unknown number of levels. A platform with food for all of them. Are you one of those who think too much when they are up? Or of those who have no guts when they are down? If you discover it too late, you will not live out of the hole.

    Also Known As:

    El hoyo


    ~94 Min.

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    David Desola, Pedro Rivero


    IMDb-Seite, Filmstarts