Der siebte Geschworene
Georges LautnerSchauspieler:
Bernard Blier, Maurice Biraud, Francis Blanche, Danièle Delorme, Jacques Riberolles, Yves Barsacq, Henri Crémieux, Robert Dalban, Anne Doat, Madeleine Geoffroy, Françoise Giret, Camille Guérini, Charles Lavialle, Paloma Matta, Raymond Meunier, Catherine Le CoueyDer unerkannte Mörder eines Mädchens, Apotheker in einer französischen Kleinstadt, wird als Geschworener im Prozeß gegen den Mordverdächtigen eingesetzt. Mit Mühe erreicht er einen Freispruch, es gelingt ihm jedoch nur unvollkommen, die eigene Schuld zu sühnen.
In a moment of madness a middle-aged, married and respectable pharmacist kills a young woman who is sun-bathing by a lake. Unable to take in what he has done, he flees from the scene of the crime and behaves as if nothing has happened. Eventually her boyfriend is charged with the crime and, in a strange twist of fate, the killer finds himself serving on the jury.
In a moment of madness a middle-aged, married and respectable pharmacist kills a young woman who is sun-bathing by a lake. Unable to take in what he has done, he flees from the scene of the crime and behaves as if nothing has happened. Eventually her boyfriend is charged with the crime and, in a strange twist of fate, the killer finds himself serving on the jury.