Der Stählerne Adler - Tödlicher Angriff
Sidney J. FurieSchauspieler:
Louis Gossett Jr., Jason Cadieux, Joanne Vannicola, Max Piersig, Karen Gayle, Ross Hull, Rachel Blanchard, Dominic Zamprogna, Sean McCann, Victoria Snow, Jason Blicker, Al Waxman, J.D. Nicholsen, Dean McDermott, Aidan Devine, Matt Cooke"Chappy" Sinclair (Louis Gossett Jr.), pensionierter General der US-Luftwaffe, und der waghalsige Ex-Kampfpilot Doug Masters (Jason Cadieux) betreiben eine Flugschule für Jugendliche, die mit dem Gesetz in Konflikt geraten sind. Während eines Übungsflugs landen Doug und zwei Schüler auf einem ehemaligen Stützpunkt und werden Zeugen, wie Air-Force-Offiziere Kanister aus einem verborgenen Bunker verladen. Als die Offiziere die drei bemerken, eröffnen sie sofort das Feuer...
While Chappy Sinclair is saddled with a bunch of misfits and delinquents for his flight school, he turns to his protégé Doug Masters to assist him in rounding them into shape for an important competition. During their training, they stumble upon a group of subversive air force officers who are dealing in toxic waste as a sideline.
While Chappy Sinclair is saddled with a bunch of misfits and delinquents for his flight school, he turns to his protégé Doug Masters to assist him in rounding them into shape for an important competition. During their training, they stumble upon a group of subversive air force officers who are dealing in toxic waste as a sideline.