Der Tod aus dem Nichts
Alan RudolphSchauspieler:
Robert Urich, JoBeth Williams, Peter Coyote, Gailard Sartain, Dan Hedaya, Harry Carey Jr., Heather Menzies-Urich, Henry G. Sanders, George Fisher, Zalman King, John Binder, Bill Moseley, Paul Dooley, Hoyt Axton, Marin Kanter, John ConsidineBereits 23 Menschen sind nach dem Besuch diverser Fitnessstudios auf mysteriöse Weise entschwunden, als die Polizei an einem neuen Tatort auf zwei zurückgelassene Leichen stößt, beide getötet durch Schüsse durch die Augen mit einem undefinierbaren Projektil. Detective Sullivan vermutet einen Serienkiller und erhält bald Verstärkung durch einen Fremdling, der sich als Kollege von einer sehr weit entfernten Abteilung entpuppt. Gemeinsam kommt man dem Täter auf die Spur, und der ist nicht von dieser Welt.
Low-Budget-SF-Thriller mit Anleihen bei beliebten Genreklassikern.
Thriller about a New York ex-cop and an attractive female sheriff who fall in love while investigating a string of mysterious cattle mutilations in a small Colorado town. Urich is great as Reuben Castle, the retired alcoholic police lieutenant out visiting the town with his tomboy daughter. At first he tries to stay out of the case but finds himself involved after the mysterious death of his friend Joe Hiatt, the editor of the local paper whose theories about black helicopters have aroused the ire of cattle baron Ben Morgan. Trying miserably to stay sober, Castle finds himself back in danger and in love, as he and the sheriff work together to get to the bottom of the mystery, encountering incredible danger and resistance from the frightened locals.
Thriller about a New York ex-cop and an attractive female sheriff who fall in love while investigating a string of mysterious cattle mutilations in a small Colorado town. Urich is great as Reuben Castle, the retired alcoholic police lieutenant out visiting the town with his tomboy daughter. At first he tries to stay out of the case but finds himself involved after the mysterious death of his friend Joe Hiatt, the editor of the local paper whose theories about black helicopters have aroused the ire of cattle baron Ben Morgan. Trying miserably to stay sober, Castle finds himself back in danger and in love, as he and the sheriff work together to get to the bottom of the mystery, encountering incredible danger and resistance from the frightened locals.