Deutschland Privat - Eine Anthologie des Volksfilms
Robert van Ackeren, Erwin KneihslSchauspieler:
Udo KierEine Zusammenstellung von insgesamt 23 Super 8-Filmen, die Regisseur van Ackeren von Privatleuten zur Verfügung gestellt bekommen hat. Aufgeteilt in zwei Teile, werden dabei sowohl Filme von harmlosen Urlaubsfahrten und Familienfeierlichkeiten gezeigt, als auch Filme aus dem Schlafzimmer der Deutschen, von Masturbation bis S/M, durchweg ohne irgendwelche Tabus.
"Deutschland privat" is a special project by Robert van Ackeren, who in 1979 asked people to send him their 8mm home movies by placing ads in several magazines in Berlin, Germany. In the ads he announced that he was planning to blow up and mount the best of those movies into a feature documentary to be released in German cinemas. He was surprised how many home movies he received and how generously people allowed him to use them for his feature. Part 1 of "Deutschland privat" gives us typical German home movies of the 1970s, i.e. private holidays, family parties, etc. Part 2 consists of what is now called "amateur porn"; home made 8mm movies featuring real porn action.
"Deutschland privat" is a special project by Robert van Ackeren, who in 1979 asked people to send him their 8mm home movies by placing ads in several magazines in Berlin, Germany. In the ads he announced that he was planning to blow up and mount the best of those movies into a feature documentary to be released in German cinemas. He was surprised how many home movies he received and how generously people allowed him to use them for his feature. Part 1 of "Deutschland privat" gives us typical German home movies of the 1970s, i.e. private holidays, family parties, etc. Part 2 consists of what is now called "amateur porn"; home made 8mm movies featuring real porn action.