Diary of Evil - Das Tor zur Hölle
Joe W NowlandSchauspieler:
Joe W Nowland, Traci L. Newman, Tatiana Warden, Emre Orun, Gregory Dean Tompkins, Essex O'Brien, Phil Baker, Ray Dwyer Jr., John Charles Harnett, Kelly Frances Fischer, Scott Broughton, Mallorie Vanghel, Marcy Palmer, Jeffrey Wells, Kyle Hutchinson, Lauretta ComptonNachdem der Psychiater Philip Tanner (Scott Broughton) das Tagebuch der jungen Molly Goldman (Kelly Frances Fischer) gelesen hat, öffnen sich für ihn die Pforten der Hölle. Molly hat einst ihre gesamte Familie kaltblütig ermordet und Philip scheint nun einem ähnlichen Schicksal entgegenzusteuern.
Preiswerter Horrorthriller nach Genre-Standards.
When a psychiatric doctor researches a young girls' diary to find out why she murdered her entire family, he begins to fall into the same state of insomnia and confusion that led her to lose her mind.
When a psychiatric doctor researches a young girls' diary to find out why she murdered her entire family, he begins to fall into the same state of insomnia and confusion that led her to lose her mind.