Die 18 Jadekrallen der Shaolin
Chang Jen-ChiehSchauspieler:
Lo Lieh, Chang Yi, 高飛, Tung Li, Polly Shang-Kuan Ling-Feng, Fan Dan-FungAuf der Suche nach neun gestohlenen Jade Figuren treffen ein Mädchen und ein junger Mann zusammen.Beide werden von der Tochter eines ermordeten Herrschers angeheuert, den Mörder zu finden und Rache zu üben.Doch die Suche nach dem Mörder gibt ihnen Rätsel auf.
The eighteen jade claws are prized possessions, transmitting Arhat power to worthy fighters whose legendary feats of strength and powers bestow honour on the temple. But when misused, the power can be devastating. A mysterious assassin is killing everyone who stands in his way to claim the legendary jade claws and learn 18-Lohan style kung fu - and there is only one noble fighter alive who can defeat this ruthless killer.
The eighteen jade claws are prized possessions, transmitting Arhat power to worthy fighters whose legendary feats of strength and powers bestow honour on the temple. But when misused, the power can be devastating. A mysterious assassin is killing everyone who stands in his way to claim the legendary jade claws and learn 18-Lohan style kung fu - and there is only one noble fighter alive who can defeat this ruthless killer.