Die Architekten
Peter KahaneSchauspieler:
Kurt Naumann, Rita Feldmeier, Uta Eisold, Werner Dissel, Christoph Engel, Wolfgang Greese, Hans-Joachim Hegewald, Karl-Ernst Horbol, Thomas Just, Markus Kissling, Roland Kuchenbuch, Ute Lubosch, Andrea Meissner, Jörg Schüttauf, Catherine Stoyan, Joachim TomaschewskyEndlich, nach Jahren des Entwerfens von Bushaltestellen und Trafohäuschen, bekommt der Architekt Daniel Brenner vom Chef seines Kombinats seinen ersten richtigen Auftrag: Er soll die Leitung für die Gestaltung eines neuen Berliner Wohnviertels übernehmen. Mit seiner Frau Wanda und seiner Tochter lebt Brenner selbst in einem öden Plattenbau und schart sofort eine Planungsgruppe aus alten Studienkollegen um sich. Voller Enthusiasmus entwerfen sie einen modernen, innovativen und menschenwürdigen Gebäudekomplex.
Während seiner neuen Arbeit entfernt sich Brenner allerdings von seiner Familie, und die Scheidung ist bald unabwendbar. Auch erweist sich der Bauentwurf für die Produktionsbedingungen der DDR als zu experimentell und teuer. Als Brenner beginnt, sich auf Kompromisse und Zugeständnisse einzulassen, bricht ihm sein desillusioniertes Architektenteam weg ...
The architect Daniel Brenner is in his late thirties when he receives his first challenging and lucrative commission: to design a cultural center for a satellite town in East-Berlin. He accepts the offer under the condition that he gets to choose who he works with. This way, he reunites with former colleagues and friends - most of them architects or students of architecture who have since chosen a different profession due to personal restraint or economic confinement. Together, they develop a concept which they hope will be more appealing to the public than the conventional and dull constructions common to the German Democratic Republic. However, their ambitious plans are once and again foiled by their conservative supervisors. As frustration grows, Daniel has trouble keeping his career in balance with his family-life: his wife Wanda wants to leave for West-Germany.
The architect Daniel Brenner is in his late thirties when he receives his first challenging and lucrative commission: to design a cultural center for a satellite town in East-Berlin. He accepts the offer under the condition that he gets to choose who he works with. This way, he reunites with former colleagues and friends - most of them architects or students of architecture who have since chosen a different profession due to personal restraint or economic confinement. Together, they develop a concept which they hope will be more appealing to the public than the conventional and dull constructions common to the German Democratic Republic. However, their ambitious plans are once and again foiled by their conservative supervisors. As frustration grows, Daniel has trouble keeping his career in balance with his family-life: his wife Wanda wants to leave for West-Germany.